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Researchers from St. Petersburg State University in Russia have developed a new type of polymer-based solid battery that can be charged in a few seconds. This new type of battery "excellent performance" in the case of fast charging and low ...…


Why calcium hydride is used as a reducing agent in organic synthesis

What does calcium hydride mean? Calcium hydride, a common chemical agent with a chemical composition of CaH2 (molecular weight 42.10). A grayish-white block or crystal that is easily deliquescent can be used to reduce, desiccant and chemical analysis…


Sodium lauroyl amphoteric acetate

Amphoteric Surfactant with low irritation, excellent foam strength, and good foam stability.Solid content: 33.0-37.0 About Sodium Lauroyl Amphoteric Acrylate: This product has a mild amphoteric detergent with good foaming, foam stabilizing, thic…

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