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Branched C8 alcohol alkoxylated CAS 64366-70-7

Branched C8 Alcohol Alkoxylated has a low foaming formula, is easy to wash and removes oil stains effectively.Active Matter Content: 99.0-100 About C8 alcohol branched: This nonionic, alkoxylated branched C8 alcohol is highly wettable, doesn't fo…


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What's quartz silica ? Quartz Silica Powder (QSP) is a natural silica that has incredibly high purity. It's almost 99.7 SiO2 content and has white in colour with a snowy-white hue. Silica is extremely long-lasting It is resistant to heat, chemical a…


The quick set cement additive

The quick set cement additive concrete The quick set cement additive is an admixture that can greatly reduce the amount of mixing water under the condition of the same slump of concrete. The plasticizer is a kind of concrete admixture that can reduce…

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