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Hydrogen production material - calcium hydride

What does calcium hydride mean? Calcium hydride, a chemical compound, is one example. In order to make CaH2, the laboratory typically uses H2 and Ca. CaH2 can be made from ions. Chinese for CaH2 (calcium hydride) is CaH2 has a molecular structure of…


Metal Alloy High Purity Molybdenum Foil

Molybdenum foil, 99.95% purity High Purity Metal Molybdenum Foil: Properties: Very low thermal expansivity, high temperature of use, excellent corrosion resistance, high strength and low electrical resistivity Electrodes for glass fiber. Th…


What Factors will Affecting the Price of Nano materials

Factors affecting the cost of Nanomaterials A variety of factors influence the price of Nanomaterials are subject to a range of costs. They include physical techniques, application-related health, and costs. Let's take a look some of these factors.…

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