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In the European market, due to the heat wave in Europe, the Rhine River, one of the main traffic arteries in Europe, has fallen sharply, causing logistical problems for barges transporting i…


Metal Alloy 18.5g/cm3 Polished Tungsten Heavy Alloy Plate

Tungsten alloy heavy plate has low thermal expansion. It is also known for its high density, high thermal conductivity, and radiation absorption. It is used widely in the aerospace and medical industries. About Metal Alloy 18.5g/cm3 Polished Tungst…


The widespread use of graphene oxide will affect the price of hydrogenated graphene

Researchers at Tomsk Polytechnic University in Russia have proposed a new method to cover plasma-treated surfaces with a thin layer of graphene oxide coating that could improve the performance of implantable sheets used to restore damaged organs. The…

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