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Aluminum silicon carbide-particle reinforced metal matrix composites

What is Aluminum Silicon Carbide? Aluminum silicon The carbide AlSiC material (abbreviated in English as Al/SiC or SICP/Al, SiC/Al) is a particle-reinforced matrix composite using Al alloy. SiC is used to reinforce a multicomponent material accord…


What is Tin disulfide

What is Tin disulfide? Tin disulfide is an organic compound with chemical formula SnS2. It is a yellow hexagonal flake with the CdI2 crystal form. It is not very soluble in water, however, it is soluble in aqua regia , and hot alkaline solutions. It…


What is Lithium stearate powder

Lithium stearate is a crystalline form of lithium. Lithium stearate has the chemical formula LiSt. It is a white powder that is solid at room temperatures. It is highly lubophilic and forms high light transmission at low concentrations. This compound…

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