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Dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride

Dodecyl Dimethyl Benzyl chloride is mainly used in acrylic mixtures, fabric softeners, and antistatic agents. About Dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride: Dodecyl benzyl ammonium chloride has the properties of rich and fine foams, low degreasi…


Dodecyl dimethyl amine oxide Lauramine oxide CAS 1643-20-5

Weakly cationic surfactant. Cationic in acidic and non-ionic medium.Active Matter % 30+-2 Dodecyldimethylamine oxide Lauramine oxide (CAS 1643-20-5): Weak surfactants can be cationic or non-ionic depending on the media. This product produces a ri…


U.S. Steel will build a new short process strip mill in Arkansas have an impact on the used forstner cut to length line market

Steel processing industry - Current status of the used forstner cut to length line Growth in the construction, automotive and consumer product name has played a big role in providing the needed boost to the global steel processing industry. The globa…

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