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Sodium Gluconate

One type of sodium polyhydroxy caroxylic acid known as sodium glutonate is sodium gluconate. This is a white or yellow crystal granule, or powder. It can be dissolved in water easily, slightly in alcohol and insoluble when ether is used. Description…


Castor-oil Sulfated Sodium Salt Turkey Red Oil Sodium Salt CAS 8002-33-3

Castor oil and sulfuric acit is neutralized to make an anionic surfactant. This soap is more easily dispersed than normal soap in water. It has better acid resistance, hard-water resistance and emulsification. Castor-oil sodium sulfate salt: Casto…


TRDN-2 Special Molecular Sieve Adsorbent For N2O

TRDN-2 molecular screen is a silicon aluminate crystal material with developed three-dimensional pore framework, and the pore size of the crystal is 0.9 nm. It is a special molecular sieve for the removal of N2O from raw gas in cryogenic air separati…

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